Prince Mahesh Babu next film Varudu starring Mahesh Babu & Anusuka in lead roles is an upcoming Telugu Movie, started shooting form next month onwards (2009). The director says we are try to release this film in this summer (2009). This film is directed by Trivikram Srinivas and produced by Singanamala Ramesh. Mani Sharma composes music and Sunil Patel handles cinematography. A few scenes are being shot in Mahesh Babu and Anushka at Annapurna studios now.
As per the previous talk Parvati Melton is the main herion of this film. But recently director decided to Anuskua is the main heroin of this film. After long gap mahesh coming with a new film.
Mahesh Babu is charging Rs 8 Crores for The Movie
Crew: Music: Manisharma, Cinematography: Sunil Patel, Fights: Vijayan, Executive producer: B Subba Rao.